Help us grow our school! See the information below about Kindergarten registration for the upcoming school year. The Academy Charter School is now accepting Kindergarten applications for the 2025-2026 school year. When registering, please bring your child's birth certificate so that a copy can be make for our records. Applications are due by March 3, 2025, to be included in the annual Kindergarten lottery. Applications are available in the school office at 109 Hinton Street. Please call the school with any questions at 803-385-6334.
Freedom to Focus Policy
The State Department of Education has adopted a policy, as required by Proviso 1.103 in the South Carolina 2024-2025 budget, that requires schools in South Carolina to prohibit the use of personal electronic devices during the school day. This policy must go into effect January 2025. What does this mean for students at ATL? Beginning January 13, 2025, students at ATL will not be permitted to have access to any personal electronic device (cell phones, smart watches, tablets, gaming devices, etc.) during the school day from 8:00-3:15, including lunch and recess. These devices, if brought to school, must be turned off and stored in students’ bookbags until the end of the school day. Students who require the use of such devices for medical purposes are excluded from this mandate. If a student violates this policy, the student will be subject to progressive consequences and device confiscation. We need your support? As a charter school, we are required to follow state and federal laws and guidelines in order to receive school funding. We ask that families support our school by ensuring that your student complies to this policy and does not access any personal communication device during their day at school beginning January 13, 2025 when they return from winter break. Please know that parents and students have access to communicate through the school office at anytime during the day if the need arises. As always, we appreciate your partnership in the academic success of all students at ATL. Feel free to contact the school office (803-385-6334) if you have any questions.
MAP testing will take place on December 3, 4 and 5. Students will take the reading MAP test on Dec. 3, the Math MAP test on December 4, and the Language MAP test on Dec. 5. Please click before for more information.
For our second quarter service project, we will be collecting items for Operation Christmas Child. Operation Christmas Child provides shoeboxes filled with necessities and fun items to children in impoverished countries. We are asking each student to bring $1 AND an item from the list below in new condition to help their class sponsor a box. Each box costs $10 to send, and your monetary donations help us cover that cost. Please send money and items by November 8 (deadline extension). If you’d like to make additional donations, we gladly welcome them. Please see the list below for suggested items by grade level.
The South Carolina Gifted and Talented Grade 2 Assessment is a statewide assessment used to identify students for district gifted and talented programs. Students are identified for this program by demonstrating high performance ability or potential in academic and/or artistic areas. In accordance with State Board of Education Regulation 43-220, the South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) provides aptitude and achievement assessments for this purpose.
Although the primary purpose of these assessments is to identify students for the gifted and talented programs, the student results can be useful to teachers as they examine their instructional practices. These results can also help teachers identify teaching strategies for all students. All student in Grade 2, including students with disabilities and multilingual learners (MLs), must be administered CoGat (the Cognitive Abilities Test) and the Iowa Assessments except those students who qualify for the alternate test as determined by their IEPs (Individualized Education Plans). |
January 2025
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