Below is a list of holiday events for each grade level
Kindergarten/1st grade - "It's the most spectacular day of the year!" K and 1st will celebrate with a Christmas Extravaganza, which will include breakfast, ornament making, cookie decorating, pictures with Santa and more! Wear your pj's for a day full of fun!! 2nd grade - "The Littlest Christmas Tree" program will be presented on Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 2:00. Christmas parties will be held Dec. 18 at 2:30. 3rd grade - Christmas Party will be held Dec. 18 at 2:30. 4th/5th grade - "Holiday Windows" program will be presented Thursday, December 12 at 6:00 pm. Christmas Parties will be Dec. 18 at 2:30. Middle School - Parties will be held Dec. 18 at 2:30 in the cafeteria. Our band concert will be Dec. 10 at 6:00 pm in the cafeteria. Please see your child's teacher for specific questions about these events. Our annual Powderpuff Game will be held on November 25, 2019 at 2:15. Half-time entertainment will be our Homely-coming Pageant and pie in the face contest. Students may purchase snack packs for $2 and vote for which teacher will get the pie in the face by voting for their favorite football team - Clemson or Carolina! Each vote is $1. Parents are invited out to enjoy the fun!
January 2025
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